Thursday, March 17, 2016

Vietnam I pledge alligence

Vietnam I pledge alligence is about how a group of friends lives all get changed when one of the friends get a letter saying he is being drafted into the military. So when they here about the letter they all sign up to. They sign up to different branches of the military. This one book focuses on Morris who makes it his personal mission to watch over his friends while aboard the USS Boston ( he joined the navy ) but while trying to keep his friends safe he also has to keep his and the city of Boston safe.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Scorch Trials

Warning this blog may have a spoiler to the Maze Runner!!! Scorch Trials is the sequel to the Maze Runner, so if you want to read Scorch Trials I would recommend reading the first book first. Scorch Trials is what happened after Thomas and his friends got out of the maze. They were taken to a place where they were "safe". Thomas then meets a boy who was shy but also knew something was wrong and wicked (the group of people who it them in the maze) was lying to them so they all try to escape the place that wicked was trying to keep them in. The rest of there story is there adventure surviving the scorch (the scorch is that the sun is unbelievable hot and bright and a disease as well).